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Rules of use

These Rules are drafted on the basis “Regulations on the Scientific Library of the Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketov” and regulate the relations between the library and library users.

  1. Rights of the reader

The reader has the right to:

  • use the main types of library, bibliographic and information services provided by the NL;
  • receive full information on the composition of NL funds and advice on finding and selecting sources of information;
  • receive for temporary use documents on the house or for use in the reading room;
  • receive documents or their copies on electronic document delivery (EDD) in accordance with the established procedure;
  • receive additional information and services for a fee (according to the “List of paid library and bibliographic services and information services and works provided by E.A.Buketov NL KarU”);
  • participate in events held by the NL;
  • address the NL administration with various requests and suggestions.
  1. Responsibilities of the reader

Comply with these Terms of  Use of the NL:

  • relate carefully to the documents received from the NL fund, return them in due time;
  • upon receipt of the documents, review each edition and, if any defects are found, inform the NL employee about it; the reader who used them last is responsible for the damage to the documents;
  • annually, at the beginning of the academic year, to be re–registered with the presentation of all the documents listed for it; readers who have not re-registered are not served;
  • Upon leaving the university, return to the NL all the documents listed behind it, surrender the Reader’s Card and sign a bypass list;
  • in case of loss or damage of documents, replace them with documents recognized by the NL as equivalent;
  • to reimburse the cost of the lost edition in case of impossibility of its equivalent replacement;
  • to keep silence and order when visiting the NL and maintain correct relationships with other readers and employees.
  1. The reader is not allowed to
  • take out documents from the premises of the NL, if they are not written in the reader’s form;
  • transfer the Reader’s Card to another person;
  • do various types of work on PCs installed in the NL without permission;
  • enter the placement of NL in the outerwear.

   4.Rights and obligations of the National Library:

   The NL in its activities ensures the realization of the rights of readers.

   The NL is obliged to:

  • form their funds according to the profile of the university;
  • provide readers with access to all NL funds on paper, electronic, audio, video and other media;
  • provide readers with full information on the composition of library collections through the catalogue system and other forms of library information;
  • provide advice to readers in search and selection of sources of information, to improve their information culture;
  • record, store and use documents in NL funds;
  • be responsible for the safety of their funds;
  • conduct humanitarian and educational work, to conduct mass actions that contribute to the formation of the readers of a high level of spirituality and morality, a wide scientific outlook, creative thinking and the ability to further self-education;
  • create and maintain a comfortable working environment for readers in the library

5.The order of the reader’s entry

During the recording to the NL, the reader gets acquainted with these Rules in accordance with the established procedure and receives a Reader’s Card and an Electronic Reader’s Ticket:

  • The electronic library card is issued in the common reading room (pl.Corpus, 3rd floor);
  • University employees receive the Reader’s Card on the School Library Subscription Corps, in which they work;
  • Students of other universities and students of schools of the educational and production complex, served under contracts, the Reader’s Card for the academic year (on the loan of educational literature in economic and legal sciences, corp.);
  • External readers are served in the reading rooms for a fee on ID. Services may be provided free of charge at the request of organizations or under contract with them;
  • The term of validity of the Reader’s Card – academic year; annually at the beginning of the school year, the NL re-register the readers;
  • The card of the reader is valid only with a photo, NL stamp and an annual note about re-registration;
  • Students, undergraduates and graduate students are registered in the National Library on the basis of enrollment orders and 2 photos;
  • Teachers, employees for registration in the NL present the certificate of an employee of the KarU or identity card and certificate from the Office of the human resources management, 2 photos.
  1. Subscription Terms and Conditions

  On the subscription editions are issued at home for the following terms:

  • Educational publications – students, undergraduates – for a semester or academic year in accordance with the curricula and programs; teachers, postgraduate students – for the academic year (no more than 15 copies);
  • Teachers can take educational literature for work in the summer period, but not more than 7 copies;
  • Educational publications with insufficient copies are issued for a “short-term subscription” (from 10 to 30 days);
  • Scientific publications are issued for 20 days up to 5 copies. – to all categories of readers;
  • Art publications are given to students of the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Foreign Languages for 15 days up to 5 copies, retrospective literary and artistic journals for 7 days; students of other faculties for up to 10 days;
  • no more than 2 volumes are issued from multi-volume editions at the same time;
  • the term of use of scientific and artistic publications can be extended if there is no demand for them by other readers (or reduced if the publication is in high demand);
  • On receipt of publications, the reader is obliged: to put a date and sign for each copy on book forms;
  • in case of late return of publications and failure to take measures to extend the term of use, the reader will be fined for the delay in the amount established by the NL and approved by the rector of the university;
  • the subscription is open to students, undergraduates and employees only in their study library;
  • students of correspondence courses are provided with editions on the season ticket only during the session;
  • teachers, postgraduate students can use any library subscription (when leaving the university sign a worksheet on all academic subscriptions).
  • teachers and employees of the university are obliged at the end of the academic year, etc. until July 1 to pass or extend the term of use (but not more than 5 copies) of all library editions, to receive a check sheet about the absence of arrears and to submit it to the settlement department of accounting before going on the next work leave.
  1. Rules for use of the library reading room
  • When ordering publications in the reading room readers present the Reader’s Map, fill the reader’s requirement:
  • The number of publications issued simultaneously in the reading room shall not exceed 7 copies;
  • 2 hours before the closing of the reading room readers can issue editions on the “night pass” (not issued encyclopedias and other reference editions, rare, valuable, only copies, magazines, only copies of documents from the main book preservation, but no more than 3 copies.);
  • The “night pass” of the publication is issued to the reader after payment on the security of the Card of the reader, to the extraneous university persons of the publication on the “night pass” are not issued;
  • Documents for use on the independent work of the student under the guidance of the teacher are issued from the reading room under the responsibility of the teacher.
  • Wi-Fi wireless internet access is available in the reading rooms upon presentation of the Reader’s Card
  1. Electronic Resources Room and Multimedia Rooms Policy
  • Service in the halls is carried out on the Card of the reader.
  • During the first visit to the hall, the user is registered and instructed by the staff member on the rules of use of the hall and safety rules.
  • When writing to work on the Internet must specify the topic of information search.
  • For work in the Internet students are given 1 hour per day, teachers, postgraduate students – 2 hours.
  • Users are required to take care of the equipment and, if computer equipment is found to be faulty, immediately inform the operator.
  • Users have the right to correspond by e-mail for educational and scientific purposes for 15 minutes. Private correspondence is not allowed.
  • In the halls allowed to use their own audio, video, CD-ROM with educational and scientific materials.
  1. Responsibility of readers for violations of the Rules of Usage of NL
  • Readers who systematically or grossly violate these Rules may be deprived of the right to use NL for a period of 1 month or more.
  • Information on gross violations by readers of these Rules shall be submitted to the Dean’s Office for consideration.